Is Angela Brown a Scam Artist, Featured Image

Is Angela Brown a Scam Artist?

Is Angela Brown a scam artist using deceitful business practices? Fake gurus and “masters” are everywhere, and house cleaners want to know…  Is Angela Brown legit or a fake expert on house cleaning? 

The answer is finally here and it’s straight from the horse’s mouth. 

So, is Angela Brown a fake, a fraud? Scam artist? Find out more and discover the not-so-secret past of the house cleaning guru as she dishes out the truth for all.

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Hey there, I’m Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer. You can find this and 400 other answered questions in this series on our YouTube channel.

Is Angela Brown a Scam Artist

Is Angela Brown a Scam Artist, Man Holding Chalkboard, ScamIs Angela Brown a scam artist? Well, that’s a great question. And I’m Angela Brown, and I’m not a scam artist, but I’m going to answer the question today.

So, am I a scam artist? The answer is, no, I’m not. But here’s where it comes from, here’s the root of that accusation. If you go to the internet and you start piecing all the puzzle pieces together, on the sidelines of my business. I’ve been a house cleaner for 30 some years, in the sidelines of my business, I have pursued other interests. And the other interests are things like, marketing, and business, and Toastmasters.

I was in Toastmasters for 12 years, to learn about public speaking and presenting myself in public. This helped me in my walkthroughs as a house cleaner. I also took some acting classes, which helped me understand the nuances of how people present themselves.

I Took Some Acting Classes, But I am Not a Scam Artist

Is Angela Brown a Scam Artist, Acting ClassSo, I took sales and marketing training, which led me to an acting class. And part of the acting class was going on auditions, and as I went on the auditions, I got a few small parts.

So, there’s this other part of my business, which would be like you singing in the church choir or you volunteering on a committee in the community. We have other interests in our lives besides our job.

If you’re a well-rounded person, you’re going to have other interests that will follow you through your life. They will change, you will have different hobbies, you’ll have different interests. But hopefully, there’s not one track in your life that is your house cleaning.

Everyone Has Other Hobbies Besides Work

Is Angela Brown a Scam Artist, Woman PaintingSo, on the sidelines of my business, and this is where it comes from. We have 168 hours in a week, so if you work 40 hours a week, you still have 128 hours a week to do other things.

Now, some of that is sleeping time, some of it’s commute time, some of it’s eating time or socializing. 

But there should be something else going on in the background of your life. Everyone needs a hobby to keep your life interesting. So, as I took an acting class, here’s the catch, I got a part. And because I got a part in this movie, what happened was I became a member of the Screen Actors Guild.

I Can’t Have the Name of Another Actor

Is Angela Brown a Scam Artist, Angela Brown AKA Angela ObererNow, a member of the Screen Actors Guild means one of two things, you are part of the union and you cannot have the same name as another actor. And at the time in all my business, I’m Angela Brown, but I was at the time married and I’m still married, but my married name is Angela Oberer.

This is not a secret, I talk about it in the book that I wrote, I’ve talked about it on the podcast. We talk about it in our training, I’ve done lots of training on the things that I learned from acting and how it helped me become a better salesperson. It’s not a secret by any stretch of the imagination.

So, Angela Oberer is the name that I used for my Screen Actors Guild for the acting and now for the voice over work that I do. So, it’s a separate part of my life, it’s a separate everything as far as keyword, search engine optimization, all those things.

You Might Find My Voice Over Work

Is Angela Brown a Scam Artist, Confused Man Looking at ComputerLast week, we did a show on carpet cleaning and house cleaning and how it’s important to compartmentalize those for the best user experience for search engine optimization. So, if you were looking for house cleaning, Angela, and you found the voice over artist, it would be confusing to you. You would say, well, I recognize the voice, but I don’t know what this has to do with cleaning.

So, for all intents and purposes, to keep it simple, I use my married name for one and my maiden name for the other. I turned 50 this year, so 50 years of my life I’ve been Angela Brown. I will always be Angela Brown and as long as I’m married, I will also be Angela Oberer.

Now, that is not different from most people who are married, who have two names. Most people that are married, they are not scam artists, they have two names because they merged their life with someone else.

I am Not Intentionally Scamming Anyone

Is Angela Brown a Scam Artist, Angry Women Looking at ComputerSo, am I a scam artist? Not intentionally, but I did intentionally keep them separate for search engine optimization purposes, that is what we call, savvy search engine optimization. So that is the answer to that question, I’m not intentionally trying to deceive you.

There are things that we all do in our personal lives to deceive on purpose. And for me, one of those things is coloring my hair, I went white prematurely at age 17.

So, am I purposely trying to deceive you by coloring my hair? Yes, I am. But not to deceive you in business, or to take away from who you are, or to scam you for money or any of those things, it’s actually to make myself look more youthful, so I apologize if that came off the wrong way.

A Lot of People Color Their Hair

Is Angela Brown a Scam Artist, Woman Looking at Her HairIf you think I’m a fraud and a con artist and all these things because I color my hair, I’m so sorry. I know lots of people that have weaves, and they color their hair, and they wear Spanx to make themselves look thinner. They have false fingernails too.

We all do things in the name of slight deceit, but it’s not to destroy someone’s credibility or to destroy someone’s faith in us.

It’s to make ourselves more beautiful and to appreciate the joy that society provides us in having new fashion or making us look younger, or any of those things.

I Have Done Acting and I Have a Separate Name, But I’m Not a Scam Artist

Is Angela Brown a Scam Artist, Cleaning Kitchen CounterI have done acting in my past and I have a separate name, which is my married name. So, I hope that clears everything up. I still have other interests to this day, that I am pursuing right now.

But it does not take away from the three decades that I’ve spent in house cleaning. The things that I’m learning right now, are some really cool things that don’t have anything at all to do with house cleaning. So, it does not take away from that, it adds to that.

Because of the things that I’ve learned, I can give you better information, that is not being a scam artist, that is being a mentor and a leader.000 Savvy Cleaner Spacer Bar 2020Resources

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