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Is Angela Brown a Fraud?

Is Angela Brown a fraud? House cleaners must pay for training, it’s false advertising! 

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Hey there, I’m Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer. You can find this and 400 other answered questions in this series on our YouTube channel.

Is Angela Brown a Fraud

Is Angela Brown a Fraud, Woman Reading TabletIs Angela Brown a fraud? Well, that’s a great question, and I’m Angela Brown, so I’m going to answer that for you today. At Savvy Cleaner, no question is a dumb question, but a question that comes in all the time is am I a fraud?

All over the social media people will say that I’m a fraud, I’m a con artist, and I’m a criminal. So, this week I’m addressing those issues head-on so that now you will know from the horse’s mouth am I a fraud.

People Think I’m a Fraud Because of My Ebook

Is Angela Brown a Fraud, Amazon BookThe accusation comes from someone who read my free book on Amazon. I wrote a book; it’s called How to Start Your Own House Cleaning Company. It is free on Amazon.

But, here’s the catch. It is free as an eBook. And so, if you buy the paperback copy, it is not free. So, there’s free and then not free. That does not make me a fraud. It just says I’m a businessperson. One version is free.

The other version you must pay for, and it’s because Amazon has to print it. It costs paper, it costs ink, and it costs shipping. And so those are the costs that Amazon factors into the price that they charge. So, am I a fraud? No, I’m not.

We Offer Paid Training and People Think It’s a Fraud

Is Angela Brown a Fraud, Frustrated Woman on ComputerNow inside of that book, there are 12, we call them lead magnets. And that means you can click the button, you enter your email, and it sends you something for free.

Now in that book, we say, “Hey, we do have paid Savvy Cleaner training that goes into this, but we will give you the handout for free.” So, there are people that have said, “You’re a fraud because you said this information was free, and then in the book you mentioned that there’s a training program that costs money.”

And then there are people inside different Facebook groups and social media groups that have gotten upset with my company because we do charge for paid training. Does that make me a fraud? It does not make me a fraud. It makes me a businessperson.

Free Content Makes Us Helpful, Not Fraudulent

Is Angela Brown a Fraud, Find Your PodcastHere’s how that works. We do have free stuff. I told you about the book that we have on Amazon that you can read for a hundred percent for free on any device with your free Kindle app. 

That’s one hundred percent free. On our YouTube show, we have created almost 900 videos for you for free. That’s a whole lot of free information, to help you grow your cleaning business.

Now, every day that we create the YouTube show, we also create a blog to go with it, so we’ve created 900 blogs to go along with the 900 YouTube shows. So that’s a lot of content for free. Does that make us a fraud? No. That makes us helpful, hopefully, if you are house cleaner.

We Get Paid Because We Offer Paid Options

Is Angela Brown a Fraud, Happy Man on ComputerNow that said, we don’t work for free. I’ve got a team of 22 people that work with me. And so how do we get paid? Well, we get paid because we do have stuff for sale. And so in the background of our business, we have other things we do.

We’ve monetized our YouTube show, and our podcasts, and our books, and the different products that we have a variety of different ways, and that allows me to pay for the team of people that help me run my small empire.  But that does cost money.

Now, when you come to Savvy Cleaner and you pay the money, we will teach you, too, how to charge for the services that you have. We don’t believe in discounts. Instead, we believe in providing value, and we have provided an enormous amount of value only to be called a fraud.

We are Not Frauds

Is Angela Brown a Fraud, Happy Woman CleaningSo, are we frauds? No, we’re not frauds, we are standing in front and center. We are saying, “Hey, we have this free information for you. We are here to help you grow your business.” It is genuine. Really, we are in the business of helping house cleaners.

If we were not, we would not have made 900 house cleaning videos for you. That would have been a waste of time for a hobby or a whim.  So, we are actually here to help you grow your cleaning business.

Should you decide to pay for the paid training, it’s advanced stuff that’s going to fill in the gaps of your business so you’re not repeating the same errors. That’s for people who take their businesses seriously, and for that, you can check that out It’s a very affordable, very reasonable price. But we don’t offer discounts and it’s not free. And we’re not frauds.000 Savvy Cleaner Spacer Bar 2020Resources

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