Our first “Ask a House Cleaner” show went live on March 27, 2017. In our first month, we had 30 subscribers. (Well, 19 of them were my parents and brothers and sisters) and I was so excited…and today we reach 100k subscribers. Woohoo! 🎉💯🎯
Oddly enough we just crossed the 1,000 episode mark as well. 🎉🎉🎉 So, while this is a joyous moment here at Savvy Cleaner it is not all about me. Truth is it has little to do with me.
Kristin edited the bulk of our shows with help from Jaden, Mary, and Lucas. Amber uploads the show to Auphonic for sound balancing, Rev for transcriptions and Closed Captioning, and then YouTube where she does all the back-end SEO for the show.
Helen uploads the show to Facebook and she edits the blogs for SEO on our website that Nathan creates from the transcripts from Rev and the images Kristin saves from editing the show.
We’ve got Ruth on social media to promote the show on our other online platforms and she helps answer your questions and forwards the rest to me.
Claire helps me with email on customer service questions and requests for the show. And before the pandemic, Melinda managed all our show correspondents and show experts.
In the background of the show, we have help from 16 other team members who contribute to the show to help us create a better user experience for you.
So while I am super excited to cross this milestone, it is much more than a vanity metric to me. It is a symbol of the love, the care, and the dedication the Savvy Cleaner team has shown me, and you.
And I would be remiss if I didn’t thank YouTube for hosting this show for us. They have allowed us to upload the data for 1,000 shows, store that data, and stream the shows, all at no charge to us.
Of course, there is no show without an audience. So THANK YOU for watching, for responding, and for subscribing. I love our few minutes together each day. This has been such a rewarding journey for all of us here and today it is the gratitude we celebrate.
Thank you all for being part of it! ❤️❤️❤️