Angela Brown Media Kit

Cleanfluencer, Angela Brown, CEO, Savvy Cleaner
A global training hub for house cleaners and maids.

Author: How to Start Your Own House Cleaning Company
Show Host: Ask a House Cleaner

Influencer Opportunities & Brand Deals:

Brand Ambassador, Book, Public Speaking, Guest Appearances, Training Course, Collaborative Press Release, Product Review, Show Sponsor, Product Placement, Links, Blog, Product/Service Resource Page, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Linkedin Posts, Affiliate Partnership.

Other Campaigns we offer:

NOTE: for 2023 we are combining campaigns 13, 14 15, 16 & 17 into a combo Reels|Shorts pack.  This new program goes into effect with our new pricing on Feb 01. Current pricing for products and deals working now will still be honored through Feb 01, 2023.

01) Brand Ambassador / Spokesperson
02) Co-Authored Book
03) Public Speaking / Appearance
04) Course Collaboration
05) Savvy Cleaner Partner / Resource
06) Collaborative Press Release
07) Product Review
08) DIY Product Review
09) Show Sponsor
10) Product Placement
11) Dedicated Blog
12) Resource Links
13) Facebook Posts
14) Instagram Posts
15) Twitter Posts
16) TikTok Posts
17) LinkedIn Posts
18) Affiliate Partnership
19) Roll the Dice
20) Content Collaboration
21) Interviews with Angela
22) Guest Expert / Correspondent
23) Social Media Short
24) Shoppable Short – Amazon Influencer

Episodes: 1800+
Target Language:
Target Audience: 25-65+
Reach: United States 57%
Gender: Female 58.7%
Male: 41.2%

*Updated 04/22/2024

Demographics of the Ask a House Cleaner Show

Syndicated Podcast & YouTube Show

The Ask a House Cleaner show is broadcast daily on all your favorite podcast apps.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question and we get to help you find an answer.

Audience Demographics & Interests

Primary Audience: Cleaning business owners
Secondary Audience: Airbnb hosts who clean or hire cleaners 
Onlookers: DIY Homeowners who clean their own homes

Email Subscribers – 441,219
YouTube Subscribers – 342.8K
Students – 3,317

Angela Brown Bio

Angela Brown owned and operated one of the largest independently owned house cleaning companies in the southeast United States for 25 years.

31 Countries = 162K students

The systems she created produced such amazing results that cleaning companies all over the world hired her to fly in and train their cleaning teams.

With clients in 31 countries and a growing demand for her consulting, in the spring of 2016 she moved her business online and rebranded it as the global cleaning empire we now know as Savvy Cleaner.

Cleaning Conference

Savvy Cleaner Properties by Angela Brown

Savvy Cleaner Training & Certification

Through Savvy Cleaner, Angela runs a high-tech training and certification program for house cleaners, maids and cleaning franchises.

Savvy Cleaner Training by Savvy Cleaner Logo

Turnover Cleaning Tips | Airbnb & VRBO

She is the top trainer in the Airbnb and Vacation Rental industry for cleaning and turnover service between guests.

Turnover Cleaning Tips by Savvy Cleaner Logo

Funny Cleaning Shirts

Funny Cleaning Shirts by Savvy Cleaner is now the world’s largest supplier of funny cleaning shirts, hats, mugs, clocks, and totes and sold on Amazon in 12 different countries. 

Funny Cleaning Shirts by Savvy Cleaner Logo


Her company Savvy Cleaner also owns HouseCleaning360 an online directory connecting house cleaners with homeowners and BnB hosts. 

HouseCleaning360 by Savvy Cleaner Logo

Savvy Perks

In 2019 Savvy Cleaner partnered with America’s largest employee discount network to offer benefits packages to cleaning companies and their staff.

Savvy Perks by Savvy Cleaner Logo

Hoarding World

During the 2020 global pandemic, with stay-at-home mandates, household clutter surfaced in the majority of homes. Angela’s methods and strategies for living with less catapulted her into the limelight yet once again with a new breakout sub-company called Hoarding World.

Hoarding World by Savvy Cleaner Logo

Start Your Own House Cleaning Company

Angela is the author of the hit book How to Start Your Own House Cleaning Company for those just entering the world of house cleaning.

How to Start Your Own House Cleaning Company by Angela Brown

Ask a House Cleaner

And she is the host of the runaway daily YouTube show and Podcast called Ask a House Cleaner where you get to ask a house cleaning question – and she will help you find an answer.

Ask a House Cleaner with Angela Brown by Savvy Cleaner

10 Interesting Facts About Angela Brown

  1. She is the 4th oldest of 19 kids (all single births, no twins) born to the same mother and same father.
  2. She was homeschooled grades 1-11.
  3. She’s run 29 marathons of 26.2 miles each, 33 half marathons at 13.1 miles each and she’s competed in a number of triathlons.
  4. She’s been in a couple of feature films.
  5. She has a state-of-the-art recording studio in her home where she records her YouTube shows and podcasts and does a plethora of voice over work.
  6. Her company Savvy Cleaner created and owns the world’s largest collection of funny cleaning t-shirts and gifts.
  7. She’s recorded and produced 1,200 episodes of her daily show Ask a House Cleaner.
  8. She’s the author of the book: How to Start Your Own House Cleaning Company
  9. She’s been married to the same amazing man for 20 years.
  10. She’s worn her signature blue shirts for 30 years and when wearing other colors of clothing is completely unrecognizable.
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